Take some time to meet the key players in the wedding party:
The Bride and Groom
Joey Shepard - The Groom
Joey is the groom, 1/2 of the main attraction of this wedding! He is obsessed with rockets, radios, old broken cars, and of course his soon to be wife Emma!
Emma Posey - The Bride
Emma is the bride, the other 1/2 of this shindig. When Emma is not keeping Joey out of trouble, she is working on her amazing Ceramic art or playing with Joey and Emma's two cats!
Matteo Cerasoli - The Best Man
While Matteo and Joey have known each other since 2016, they were reintroduced in college through rocketry and amateur radio. Nowadays they both work at JHU APL and still build rockets on the weekends.
Justin Eaton - Groomsman
Justin and Joey have been friends since kindergarten, and were roommates throughout college , and have been there for each other since day 1.
Ryan Titus - Groomsman
Ryan and Joey met freshmen year of undergrad at WVU and were roommates for the rest of their time there. When time allows Ryan continually persuades Joey to go "Micro Fishing".
Charley Howard - Groomsman
Charley and Joey met through WVU Rocketry and the Amateur Radio club. Over their time at WVU, they continually found new ways to destroy rockets and radios, usually with Matteo's Supervision.
Sienna Weeks - The Maid of Honor
Emma and Sienna met in college. They quickly became the best of friends, and each other's support systems, when it came to trying to complete the grueling assignments of wvu ceramics and navigating the many turbulences that life has to offer.
Ankitha (Keke) Kollabatula - Bridesmaid
Keke was the first friend that Emma made after moving to Maryland. Her bubbly personality brought Emma out of her shell instantly, and along with Leher, their trio has been going strong ever since!
Leher Kakkar - Bridesmaid
Leher and Emma love to go on long walks to talk about life and the latest gossip. She loves her two dogs Eddie and Jojo, and is a sucker for hit TV shows like The Office, Friends, and Ted Lasso.
Lauren White - Bridesmaid
Lauren has been friends to both Joey and Emma since they were kids. Emma And Lauren were roomies at WVU and have been stuck like glue ever since! They bonded though a shared love of fine arts, binging tv, and their two cats Pumpkin and Cozu.
Bevins Haunty - The Flower Girl
Bevins is Emma's spunky little sister who spends her days as a beachy cowgirl. She loves thrifting, sushi, and Chinese Buffets.